SPINCOD Advanced spintronic devices for communication and data storage technologies based on Heusler compounds
PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1820 No. 255/1.10.2015

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The general objective of this project is to spintronic devices using highly spin polarized, low Gilbert damping epitaxial and textured Heusler-alloy thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy.
To accomplish the general objective of the project we plan two following specific objectives with both fundamental and technological character:

  • Elaboration of full-Heusler (FH) thin films with tuned structural, electronic and magnetic properties.

Within this objective we aim at obtaining Heusler alloy thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. We will study the composition and interface chemistry dependence on the magnetic and electronic properties of the Heusler films.   

  • Elaboration and characterization of CIP AHE spintronic devices.

Within this objective we will integrate the Heusler alloy thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Current-in-Plane (CIP-AHE, CIP-SV) spintronic devices. We will test the efficiency of such devices by comparison wih similar devices employing more conventional ferromagnetic materials like CoFeB or CoFe.




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